Chinese Auction Fun

 These pictures did not download in the proper order so they may seem a little confusing.  This picture is of a baby quilt that Melinda made using the half hexagon technique...she has decided that she will not be making any more hexagons...wonder why????
 This is another baby quilt that Melinda made....picture does not do justice to the gradation of the pretty.
 Renate blew us away with this snuggly lap is flannel on the front...from a couple of charm packs she bought at the Fabric Cupboard which , in itself, makes the quilt warm but she used that warm and cuddly fabric that is thicker than fleece...not sure what it is called but it makes the nicest backing for a snuggly...I promise you...this one is a touchy-feely quilt.
Now we are into the Chinese Auction part of our program day. This is always a bunch of tickets and try your luck...some of us went home without winning a thing and SOME of us went home after winning a bunch of things...oh Well...just wait 'til next year!!!
 This is the Block of the Month in the process of being is done in flannels and it is so sweet. This is Susan Snyder's and it even had a recommendation for the proper way to label this quilt...Susan thinks of everything...good thing she volunteered to continue next year as BOM coordinator.
This picture was taken with the Evening group's Show and Tell. It is Marilyn Wynn's quilt....sorry, forgot the name. Just remembered how gorgeous it also was quilted by Agathe and she did a great job...
Our regular show and tell. This sweet appliqued wall hanging is Susan Snyder's . It will be going into a Chinese Auction that is held at their campground in the summer. That would be a good time to go visit...right???
It's wonderful to see the results of a sewing day.  These are cuddle quilts that will be going out to the Hospital, the RCMP and perhaps Transition HOuse, or the Fire men....regardless of where they go, they will be definitely  appreciated. What a great response!!
Carolyn's baby quilt that was included in the picture above...just one added point...she did some free motion and I believe she is getting hooked on that go, girl!!
Not only does Carolyn sew and quilt , she's a knitter and contributed to a knit-a thon at her church. Such good works going on around here.
Marilyn adapted the fabric basket pattern that she showed last time and added handles to this one. I believe she is making them for her daughter's use...what a great mom she is!!
Melda blew us away with these gorgeous smocked dresses and bonnets...what a wonderful job she did PLUS it is for how lucky are they to have such a talented Grandma!
And here's another Grandma just crocheting away. This is a sweet, crocheted vest for a lucky grand daughter. Beautifully done, Ann!
Grandmas rock!!!  Here are two knitted Easter egg cozies made by another crafty Grandmother.  I bet they were fun to do, Judy!
Put out the call and the answer comes! I had wondered where we were going to get an adult bib pattern and here's Sandra showing us just how to go about making them. All we need is velcro , fabric and a sewing machine....look out now, we're going to get busy..  Thanks , Sandra!
This was supposed to be the last picture downloaded but I guess it really doesn't matter.  This nine patch is one of our comfort quilts taken out of the frame today. Lillian Kyle offered to take it home and bind it...thanks to her  AND a big pat on the back of our quilters. Their dedication and skill is greatly appreciated.
Here's a sweet 'wall hanging' that turned into a quilt...not sure how that happened , are you Debbie...well let me warn you, it will happen again.  In the meantime, she did a wonderful job putting this's stunning...

That's it for now ladies...there won't be a posting after our next meeting since I will be at the retreat...and I am looking forward to that.  See you at our programme day in April....Cheers!!!

Cuddle Quilt Day

Susan sewed strips so's that for alliteration???  She put them together in a rail fence pattern should be interesting to see since she is aligning the pieces to graduate from one colour to the next...can't wait to see the finished project.
 Here's our supervisor Joyce...trying to decide what she wants to work on. I must say she was a great supervisor...didn't crack the whip once.
 Marilyn was occupied in the morning and came later in the day...mind you, she was ahead of us all and only had to finish up her cuddle quilt.
 Carolyn got to do some practise machine quilting...I wonder if she signed up for the intermediate machine quilting class that's in the works??
Helen brought some already sewn pieces and then cut them out to fit another design she liked better....either way, it'll be great to include in our stock of cuddle quilts.
Here's Madame President Muriel sewing her heart out. She was the first one to finish a cuddle quilt. Guess that is why she is the "boss"...

Spring is on its way!

 We've been busy this month!. Here Judy is showing a beautiful shawl she made. She also showed us the sweetest little hat she made for her grand daughter and the work in progress skirt that matches. So darn cute!!
Marilyn told us about a magazine that has loads of projects ...some she has already started...seems to me we could use a written review in our newsletter....right, Marilyn????
 I was a little slow on the uptake here but this is Joan  West's quilt that she made for her son....I believe she told us she is calling it "Show me the way Home!"...wonderful title for a wonderful quilt.
 This gorgeous scrappy nine patch was made by our eldest member, Vivian Patriquen AND  it was donated to our comfort quilts. What a thoughtful and kind thing to do.
 Susan gave us all a 'warm and fuzzy" when she showed us the three matching sundresses she made for her grand daughters..Look at that little one in her right hand..can you just picture it????
 Here's a sweet crib quilt she made...what a great pattern to use up those pretty scraps....
 Froggy went a courtin'.....another sweet crib quilt....and that is Susan hiding behind it.
 Now this one is a cuddle quilt  she is donating and I bet if the auxiliary shop at the hospital put it for sale they would do really is the sweetest little story quilt...nice job, Susan .
 Leigh made her lunch box, instead of a sunflower she made another type of flower...a red daisy maybe...either way it looks great and they are perfect for bringing lunch to guild.
 You can tell  that Leigh is having fun making the Block of the Month. I really like that ladybug...had to look close to realize it was a button.
 Here's the teddy bear....again so cute.
 But this one is even cuter. It is the sheep and it is fuzzy....what a great idea. There's just no holding Leigh back ...she has great ideas...
 Not to be confined to just small pieces, Leigh brought in this beautiful bed quilt . She had Agathe quilt if for her on her longarm along with a little challenge to stretch her quilting skills.  Agathe rose to the challenge and did an amazing job.
Beverly, one of our newest members showed us her sweet crib quilt....Love , love, the monkeys...they are just so cute.
Ann got her Christmas quilt (Block of the Month, last year) done and it was worth the wait.  Gorgeous colour choices.

 That's our show and tell for this meeting....our next project day we'll be working towards an Easter project....Easter egg or eggs, depending on what you're in the mood for...I like the edible kind, but I'll make the fabric ones, this time.  Cheers, everyone!!

Monday February 10

  Linda B.  Very cheery! Linda B. Crocheted mat using 2.5 inch fabric strips. Creative use of scraps. Joanne H.  Folder star potholder from ...