Closing Banquet 2015

We decided to return to the All Seasons Restaurant again since they did such a good job with the buffet at Christmas time.  Plus, we are able to book an evening  so the working quilters can join us.
I think Muriel agrees since here she is with a high five...yeah!!
This lovely quilt is one that Jean started at the Villa Madonna retreat....not going to say how many years ago...enough said that it is done and looks great.
She also showed us this expandable tote bag that is perfect for our shopping road trips...she's thinking ahead!
Judy did a "Frozen" quilt for Rhea and then decided she need a pillow case to match...looks great...all colour co-ordinated.
Ethel did bear tracks in scrappy and it looks wonderful all quilted by Agathe...
Here's a miniature she just had to make...sure caught my eye since I love miniatures.
Ann brought in a comfort quilt all bound and ready for the hand sewing to finish.
Joanne has the dream job for a quilter at Cindy's Crafters Vineyard...she gets to make things like this table topper for display.
Here's another one the colours.
Isn't this stunning! This is Joanne's sampler. She put her own spin on it and did a marvelous job...can't wait to see it quilted too.
Leigh of our snowbirders...came back with these wonderful Zentangles all quilted and embellished with beads and sparklies.  Seems to me she has a lot of fun down south in the winter.
Jacqui made this stunning quilt...I believe she said it is a gift for someone...luck recipient.
Here's our Wendy...who could have a trunk show of her own...this girl is prolific and loving it.  This table topper is the beginning.....
another table topper...

and another......
Here's her snowman wall hanging....
a sweet sixteen bag....
and a crayon quilt..  She has been busy and I bet there are more things she has done and decided not to bring them all.....
Linda...another dynamo...this is her cosmetic bag...embellished.....
a tote bag and it too is embellished.
This beauty is so Linda....eye catching brights with a black background....her version of the sampler we did last year. Love to see quilters learn the basics and then just take off with ideas of their own.
Here's a purse she made and embellished again...
This is her crayon quilt.....
with matching pillow case.....
and a valance to go with it all...
Agathe fell in love with the scrappy nine patch and here is another one she made with very beautiful....
Mary Lawson made this stylish and wonderful
and so did Renate. Very talented ladies.
Jeannie showed off her tote bag...

one of her pillowcases
her cosmetic bags
and her pedal pad. Jeannie had that special birthday this year...that one where you get the bag of fat quarters...we'll be waiting to see what she does with them...wonder if she needs help deciding...hmmmm!
Here's Janice's gorgeous sampler.  Her colours are earth tones and so warm. She's a perfectionist and it shows.  Well done!
Here's her squedge table topper...again in her favourite colours.
Judy brought in a wonderful woven table is actually an open weave and reversible....interesting and intriguing as well.
This is another example of an interesting technique...with a more open weave and this time embellished. She does such unusual and interesting projects.

That's our year..we're off for the summer and will start up again in September.

Keep cool, ladies, and if you find the time, do some's good for what ails ya!

Monday February 10

  Linda B.  Very cheery! Linda B. Crocheted mat using 2.5 inch fabric strips. Creative use of scraps. Joanne H.  Folder star potholder from ...