Christmas Banquet 2016

We did it up right at the All Seasons for our Christmas Banquet...lots of good food, a wonderful atmosphere and good companions ...who could ask for more?

Here's Cheryl starting off our Show and tell with her Christmas table runner made from half great and looks great!
 Madeline is hiding behind her version of the half hexie table runner...amazing how wonderful they all can look.
Pat showed us her folded wreath candle mat..soo pretty!
 Susan showed off her row by row  block of the month...with requests for the pattern Christmasy
JoAnne, who has the ideal job of all jobs in a fabric/wine shop...showed her version of the half hexie and what could be done with it.
Jacqui finished her challenge for the Chemo quilt project and we decided to divert it to the fire quilt comfort project...where there is a need right now.
Then she showed us her hubby's request for a quilt of his own....we've all been there, right?
 This one will be an heirloom...pieced by one sister, quilted by another and about to be bound by another.....definitely a keeper!
Cindy got a little surprise from Jacqui....she is a Coca-Cola fan.  Not from the original debut of the Coca-Cola Santa , but certainly since she first saw it, at least and here is another piece she can add to her collection...made by Jacqui...the candle even has the Coke logo.  I think she liked it!  Just a note here, Cindy has been so supportive of our guild...with discounts, special orders and always a little thank you to the's a good thing that we have her.
 Here's Vivian's folded wreath...hard to believe she is 99 years old...puts us all to shame with her enthusiasm for life.
Judith is making miniatures again...traditional  patterns too.
 This lovely quilt is being donated to the will find a home for thoughtful of Judith!
Ann brought in this gorgeous round the twist pattern ...I think there may be some fussy cutting involved.
 Elsie made this beautiful folded wreath.
Ethel has been busy making placemat sets of four for gifts.....
 along with table runners.....
and this great log cabin...she claimed the fabrics were of a mature age...they're always the best anyway!
 Leigh is welcoming an infant into her extended family and nothing would do but this wonderful, soft, pastel baby quilt...seems fitting, don't you agree?
Wendy brought her snowman with his plaid scarf..well done!
 Linda brought her snowman as well, this one has ear muffs as well.
Renate wanted to bring a quilt to show but the recipient refused to let her take it back, even for an evening...guess he likes it a she brought her folded wreath to show...looks great!
Vera made another one, since the one she made before is doing duty on her table. Pretty colours, Vera.
Along with this gorgeous table topper...I believe it is a Patrick Lose pattern.
 Jean brought her folded wreath....
two mermaid blankets...wonder who they are for?.....
 and this really neat quilt made from the strips she won at strip poker that we played at the Villa Madonna...and if you are wondering...she did keep her clothes on!
Last but not least, look at this wonderful row by row mystery quilt that Dawn got finished. She did a wonderful job and you can tell by the grin she is happy with her are we.

Merry Christmas everyone and we shall see you in the New Year!

November 21, 22, 2016

We started our evening sewing time with Linda's show and is her snowman quilt. It started out as a wall hanging but she got creative...something that comes easy for her...and enlarged it to a kiddie's quilt.
Then Marilyn showed us her latest work in progress. This chevron quilt is a commission that kind of grew from a double , to a queen and now possibly a go, girl!
This sweet quilt is a quilt-as-you-go project, again by Marilyn....she will be adding borders...a colour for one side and another colour for the other, making it completely reversible. Always  innovative, is Marilyn.
 Program day and all the ladies were busy constructing folded wreaths being taught by Jacqui and Agathe.  Here's Judith talking to Elsie and Margaret is aligning her squares.
Vera got one done and is putting the finishing touches on her wreath....
 while Leigh is having a discussion with her sewing machine.  I think she won the argument.
 I caught Joyce mid chomp but she is working away on her wreath too.
 Show and tell started with Vera trying to hide behind a project using the block of the month from last year.  Rhode Island Red's??
Here's a sweet little snowman wall hanging she got ready for Christmas decorating.
 And this quilt is going to Ottawa ...I would hazard a wild guess that it is for a grand son...what say you?
This is another quilt heading off to Ottawa ...bright colours and warm flannel who could ask for more.
Muriel is doing a kind thing and making this sweet pillow in memory of a beloved pet for her son....thoughtful Momma!
Elsie is diligently working away on the block of the month row by row project and here is a sample of her Weathervane squares.
 Carolyn , besides being a wonderful quilter, is a master seamstress and here she is showing us a warm flannelette nightie she has made for her M.I.L. for Christmas.
Judith is also catching up on her row by row squares and showed her co-ordinating squares.
 Ethel has come back from a road trip to meet one of her pen pals and showed us these place mats she made,......
these mittens she knitted, .......
and this sweet little doll sleeping bag...I think she has been having some fun.
Susan got busy with this program day and made four of the folded wreaths....look out Christmas presents this year.
 Sheila challenged Jacqui and she rose to the occasion and made a little folded wreath just the right size to fit in Sheila's front door window. I think Sheila is very pleased and we are all thinking of ways we can challenge doubt , she could show us all up.
Here are just a couple of the folded wreaths that Jacqui made....first for a craft sale and now they will be presents.  Waste not , want not.  good thinking for us all....

November 15, 2016

Marlene is hiding behind this "lap" quilt she made for her hubby...he decided he needed one larger than average lap quilt so being the good wife she is she complied.  Bet he likes it a lot!
This is the latest Chemo Quilt just finished this morning by the nimble fingers of our quilting ladies.
Elsie got her block of he month  first row by row squares done and is all ready for the next installment.
Bea made this wonderful baby panel quilt...wonder who it is for?
 Leigh is getting her PHD's done...this one is through the door?
 Another PHD...great way to use up scraps and clean up the ever expanding stash...who are we kidding, it just keeps growing..
Susan claims she is not a bag lady but I think she secretly want to join the ranks and here's proof.  Well done, Susan.
A new technique...row by row and quilt as you go.  Ended up looking absolutely great, even if she says she won't do another one that large.
Judith got into her crafting mode and made these cute little toques for her Christmas Tree....
 a gorgeous quilt by Judith.
along with sweet sixteen bags
 and bags
 and bags....just like those Russian nesting dolls these bags just fit inside each other....gave us all a giggle.
 Jean made one of these Scrappy nine patches quilts , had some left over fabric and made another one...great job.

Jacqui started her rope project
 and knit some socks.
as well as Ann who also did some knitting.

Monday February 10

  Linda B.  Very cheery! Linda B. Crocheted mat using 2.5 inch fabric strips. Creative use of scraps. Joanne H.  Folder star potholder from ...