Closing Banquet 2016

 Here we  are, another year over and we're celebrating a successful year of quilting. We dined with a Chinese buffet at JJ'S restaurant in the Fairway Motel.  Great food, great atmosphere and wonderful company.
 Of course, show and tell was the highlight of the night and here is Marilyn's summer quilt in blues and yellows...she made pillow cases to match.
Jeannie made this wonderful yo-yo quilt.  She made all the yo-yo's and then appliqued them in place on a black background...sure did end up looking scrappys.

 Joanne showed us what could be done with appropriate...attic windows and balloons rising in the sky....sooooo Sussex!
 I particularly like this one...again an innovative (that should be Joanne's nickname) use a panel.
 Joyce contributed to our local  Chemo project with this adult size quilt...brings our number of finished quilts currently available to 15...five have been passed out and 4 are waiting to be quilted...a rousing success I would say..

Leigh made this wonderful batik colourful and big.
 Jackie is really into these candle wreath mats..they work up quickly and are wonderful gifts.
 Margaret got her vest finished and was so proud to contribute to show and tell. Considering she is still having some difficulties after her car accident it was great to see that smile.
 Here's the reverse.
 Jean saw this on Pinterest(aha, another enthusiast) and just had to make it.  I believe it is called "Hanging out"...cute, eh?
 Kay did her "three dudes" pattern and made this bright and cheerful table topper.
And here's madam Muriel with a dishcloth on her head...she didn't want to get wet in the rain....looks almost like a doily there.

Have a great summer ladies!

Monday February 10

  Linda B.  Very cheery! Linda B. Crocheted mat using 2.5 inch fabric strips. Creative use of scraps. Joanne H.  Folder star potholder from ...