january 28, 2020

This is actually from the Monday Evening Ladies. They are working on jelly roll races and this beauty belongs to Evelyn. Amazing fabrics.
Linda did hers in a navy , red and white and then put minke on the back to make it extra cozy.
Marilyn did some knitting and brought in a graph that tells you what needles to use with what yarn for what size of toque you wish to make.  An amazingly valuable graph for knitters to have, especially if you have loads of yarn and not sure what to make with it.

We were fortunate to have a wonderful trunk show for our program day. Cynthia showed and told us about just some (I am sure) of her quilts and her journey through time making them.  Here she is holding a grandma doll she made that took  "forever" to get that grey hair just so.  Super idea.

This next quilt is her first sampler , made during a quilting class she took to learn the basics of
 I really liked this idea....a fold up case with a small doll in a bed and a wardrobe with it.  Needless to say, her grand daughter allowed her to borrow it back to show us.
 This beauty was a block of the month that Cynthia took with Town & Country Quilt Shop out of Quispamsis. Beautiful colours, so soft and feminine.
This is a whole cloth quilt with a center commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of Cynthia's parents. Such a beautiful heirloom.

And the last picture I took of the trunk show is the latest quilt that Cynthia did...she also showed us the first quilt she made (in excellent condition, I might add). There were many more quilts that were shown, too many to put in this blog. It was a wonderful show and really nice to travel along with her journey in quilting.
Renate started our regular show and tell with a pillow she made to match a quilt that has been given away...but we got the idea...wonderful!
 She also wanted us to see some of her napkins she made for Christmas...similar to the ones that got given as gifts.
This is a top that the morning quilters finished last week.  Ethel will be taking it home to bind it. A little too small for a bed but would be great for a table topper/cloth.
 Marlene won the pinwheels so she put some together in this lap/cuddle quilt that is going in her family room......
along with this table topper......
 and table cloth to match the colour of her kitchen.
Mary thought today was table topper day and brought in the one she made...a pattern I have been looking for ...now I have it so hang on, you may see one I do someday.

JUdith has been playing with her 60degree ruler and made the following........
 some candle mats......
 and another table topper in gorgeous Christmas fabrics...fussy-cut extremely well, too.
Marilyn is hiding behind some gorgeous fabric that came from the Czhec Republic. Her brother and wife went travelling and brought  this back for her along with some fabulous yarn.

January 14, 2020

The first meeting (business that is) of the new Year....2020...who would have thought that we would see this historic , futuristic date...certainly not me...but as you will see, life just marches on.  To start our show and tell, Pat showed her folded fabric hot pat...well done there lady!
Susan made this little bag from the fabric for the President's challenge...she's ready for March....
then she showed us her fractured Dresden plate pillow slips. She made them for her daughter...

 then, like the rest of us do, she pointed out her oopsy.....
 Ethel has been busy making stockings for next year since she finished binding them New Year's Eve.....they look great.
 This beauty is one she has been playing at for a little while....it goes to the comfort quilt program to be hand quilted....Please note , she included the binding for when it is all ready and waiting for the final step.
Judith made this gorgeous table topper cutting at the right angle and piecing just so...super job!
 She also used her prototype patterns for the ZigZag quilt and put them in a baby quilt along with some cute applique.
Joan is retired now and  has more time to play so she made this ABC book from panel squares....
 this puppy dog pillowcase....what! no Shelties!!
and of course, kittins belong in a pillowcase too.
 Mary made this snowman wall hanging for her door....
and finished her folded fabric hot pad.
 Jean made this tote bag with Christmas fabric.....
 and this all flannel baby quilt.
Susan did some knitting of preemie caps....
and these sweet little hangings that go on a stand-up frame.  Running out of room for larger wall hangings, Susan??
Then Leigh showed us her finished folded fabric hot pad. They all are so pretty and so very different. It is always interesting to see how diverse we are  in our fabric and colour choices.

January 13, 2020

 Can you see 20/20?  I can...I know it's corny but it tickles my funny bone. 

Ruth made this gorgeous ribbon quilt over the holidays and they colours are perfect....well done , Ruth.
 Chris found this nostalgic panel and put it together with the pine trees and then she hand quilted it...it has flannel on the back and it is super cozy.
She also did some knitting and here is her
 Joanne finished her double tabbed cosmetic bag....
and brought a tea cozy she made a while ago to make sure she had a hot cup of tea when she needed one..
Marilyn is hiding behind her quilt as you go.......
here is the other side. It is full on flannel and comfy cozy...it wasn't planned but it worked extremely well with her binding having light corners that framed the quilt ...both sides...so well.  A happy accident.
And this beauty is her jelly roll race...machine quilted with a wavy line down the centre of each row.

Monday February 10

  Linda B.  Very cheery! Linda B. Crocheted mat using 2.5 inch fabric strips. Creative use of scraps. Joanne H.  Folder star potholder from ...