November 27, 2018, Program Day

 I forgot my camera bad.....but then I remembered that my cell phone was in my purse so these are photos taken with that device...a little haphazard in order but I will explain as best I can.

This first pic is of Joyce showing Mary how to make the paper clip angel...did I mention that today for program we had four Christmas ornament instructors....Joyce was one and her angels are so cute.
Mary brought in this gorgeous tree skirt with appliqued poinsettias...stunning.
 Judith proved she is more than a pretty face with these so heartwarming angels she made from an old quilt made by her Mom....she made enough for her sisters. What a great idea to preserve an heirloom and keep the memory.
 Leigh got busy and made the three block of the month patterns . They look amazing. On the bear one she has apples in the tree and apples on the ground...good idea since the bear needs a reason to be in the quilt.
 Look at this beauty Diane brought in to show us.  Love the colours and you all know how I feel about applique.
 Clever Cynthia took strawberry baskets and covered them and made pretty Christmas baskets. Recycle and reuse in the absolute best way possible.
 Here's Ann showing the ladies how to make an origami fabric ornament. Another clever idea.
 Leigh and Susan are finishing up their fabric snowflakes. Susan is making teeny weeny ornaments.  The fourth ornament was a small bell made from two fabrics sewn together in a circle. It was a great program day despite the snowy, rainy day.

 Here's Vera's version of the  Christmas snowflake taught by Agathe. Turned out great!
Judith showed the quilt she and her sisters made for their brother in a nursing home.  Very masculine and has his initials so everyone knows it is his.  Thoughtful thing to do, Judith..

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