October's program Day

 Show and tell is my favourite part of Quilt Guild. It always makes me want to rush right home and start sewing .  I can't do it all, but I can sure try.

Here Marilyn show the Sweet Sixteen bag...the one that defeated me on the first read thru...looks like I will have to get back at it and make one.  They are so pretty and will stand up on its own without a reinforcement for the bottom...
 Hexagons, hexagons and more hexies.  Marilyn did her table topper in Christmas fabrics and it works so well. Hmmm....maybe I should do another one.
 Smitten with Mittens is the next programme day project.  This is the sweetest table runner and would look just great on my table....
Here's another great project.  These hexagons have a secret...they are not hexagons when they start out....they are wedges that fit together to make a hexagon when you sew the rows together. A quick and easy way .... a 'fudge' if you will...works for me....
 Now this gorgeous quilt is for Marilyn's brother for Christmas (lucky guy) Isn't it stunning....and not completely masculine since it would look wonderful on any bed...
In between Ethel's road running (she's been a travelling) she found some time for finishing up UFO's.  I find that Ethel always puts a little twist in the patterns and comes up with something entirely unique and wonderful.  Here's the table topper we did last year...her pumpkins have more depth than a single fabric quilted.. Looks great, don't you thinK?
 A signature wall hanging for Ethel just to let her know we were thinking about her at a sad time in her life.
 Jackie discovered the fast and easy way to make pillow cases and showed us her really cute fabrics..

Sandra's been shopping again...I bet some of you know exactly what this is and some of you(the younger ladies) will be scratching your heads wondering.  Let me put you out of your misery...it's a lipstick case with a small mirror on the lid.  Here it is being used as a bobbin holder. That Sandra...she's so innovative and clever.
Look at Susan and Muriel sewing their little hearts out making Hexies for their table toppers.  
 Jackie's getting some encouragement and tips of the technique from Marilyn..It's always fun when you have that 'Light bulb' moment.
 Ethel, industriously working away on her Sweet Sixteen Bag....we will see it next meeting at Show and Tell, right Ethel????
 Helen Steeves just a sewing to beat the band....Her Sweet Sixteen purse will definitely be shown at Show and Tell, right Helen?????

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Monday February 10

  Linda B.  Very cheery! Linda B. Crocheted mat using 2.5 inch fabric strips. Creative use of scraps. Joanne H.  Folder star potholder from ...