November program.

For you "block of the monthers " here is a picture of the next step to do over our Christmas holidays.
We're Smitten with Mittens  this program day and here is Cheryl industriously tracing the pattern for her mittens.
 Jean, Carolyn and Marilyn discussing the table runner...isn't it a festive one!
 Jackie is such a happy camper and so accommodating when asked to help.  Here, she is finishing up the anti-ouch pouches she made  before tackling her table runner.
 The ladies on the quilt had a great day quilting even with their knees a knocking now that they got it down to one more roll and it's done.
 Sherry got a start on her Christmas projects.
 Here's her bed "scarf"...isn't it a sweet one...How much did you say you spent on those 'nose' buttons....what was that Sherry?  35 cents a piece, wow!! and a teehee for you.
What a sweet baby quilt. Some lucky child will snuggle under that one.
 Melda is getting ready for her Christmas decorating as well.  Three dimensional wall hanging with mittens  detachable.
 Vera's is back to meetings...we're glad to see and showed us the pillow cases she made to match her BOM from last year..a wonderful Christmas quilt.
 Leigh is cleaning out her stash ...thinking she can get it diminished as she goes along...shhhh! don't tell her fabric multiplies when you're not looking.
 Here's the Smitten with Mittens Table runner that Marilyn Made to demonstrate the program for today.
 And, I just love was a panel that she cut up, appliqued, embellished and created a super wall hanging for a present. It was done in the quilt as you go technique and it is wonderful.
Joan showed us the stocking that she appliqued....grandkids...gotta love them...get one, you make something and then you gotta make 'em for all the grandkids. It's only fair...right , Joan????
 Carolyn is having fun with the ladies of the evening and honing her skills in quilting. Here she shows off her table runner where she learned the half square triangle technique.  Way to go, Carolyn!
Then, didn't she go another step and try the English Paper piecing method and make the Hexie table topper in Christmas colors. Great job, Carolyn

 There's just no stopping her now.
 Jean's sister is a Hooker...not the bad kind...the good kind and hooked this gorgeous wall rug for Jean. It is her daughter's house with their car in front and Jean's grand children in the car.  How's that for talent!
 Well, it obviously runs in the family because here is Jean with something she got in a bag at a yard sale, took it home and pieced it all together for a great wall hanging.  You can't read it here, but it says "Do you see" at the top left and down at the lower right it says "What I see?"
Isn't that neat?
Now take a close look at this ...I believe if you click on the picture it will enlarge and you will see the wonderful quilting the ladies have done on this whole cloth quilt. It is stunning!......Bravo , ladies...wonderful job...I have a feeling this one will sell quickly or if we sell tickets it will go over extremely well, it is beautiful...

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February 25, 2025 Program Day Chinese Auction

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